New Normal

As mentioned in my previous post, now that Remy is learning to eat we are adjusting to a new normal yet again. Ideally Remy will participate in at least one meal for the time being. If there are items here and there he can taste for other meals, I will give them to him, but I’m mainly sticking to the one prepared meal.

We had a busy Monday, as usual – we kept Elodie out of daycare when Remy was born and then she was only back for three days before the real lockdown began. Since then, she’s been home. So our work week is basically chaos. I try to keep the two kiddos on a schedule but if my work gets in the way it is pretty difficult. This week I’m trying to learn the best time(s) to work with Remy on BLW and yesterday went okay. We had lunch at our usual time and he was pretty willing. The main issues I’ve run into this time around are lack of meal planning time and lack of free time for him to really explore (before Elodie gets antsy or I get a work email I need to respond to).

I served Remy a small bowl of whole milk Greek yogurt, with smashed blueberries, and a chia seed covered avocado on the side. I also gave him a couple pre-loaded spoons with the yogurt to play with. Elodie had a similar bowl but for her I added some homemade granola (pumpkin seeds, oats, pecans, honey and shredded coconut).

Remy is already pretty good with a spoon so he seemed to enjoy how they were already loaded for him. His first go at it brought a big glob of yogurt to his eye which really made Elodie’s day. I’m not 100% sure he actually liked the yogurt and he definitely avoided the blueberries. But nibbled on the avocado once again so that seems like a win. I really feel like the chia seeds made more of a mess than anything but with their nutritional benefits I suppose the benefits outweigh the headache of clean-up!





The aftermathThe aftermath

The aftermath