Exploring Food with Remy

This weekend we are getting ready for Remy to start his baby led weaning journey! He’s meeting all of the criteria for a “ready” baby (six months old, sitting up on his own, pincher grasp, tongue thrust reflex gone, etc.) and honestly he seems excited about food. Last night we decided to let him participate in our veggie hour, just as an exploration opportunity. Obviously he isn’t going to be able to chomp down and chew veggie sticks but with those teeth coming in we figured he love the chance to gnaw on something with a little taste.

I served him the same vegetables we were eating (minus Elodie’s ranch dip) and let him do his thing. He immediately grabbed a carrot and a celery stick and explored for a good twenty minutes or so. He sucked on the celery for so long and hard, my husband commented on Remy’s celery breath later in the evening. So it looks like he was getting some juice!

It’s funny, Remy used to get genuinely cranky in the high chair but I’m hoping now that he can nibble along with us he will be a bit happier there. He definitely was last night!

As I won’t be sharing pictures of the little guy here on the blog, more of the experience can be seen on his private Instagram @remysamuel_ if you’re interested.

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